PRE-ALBULA Dependencies

Marc(witte46 RIP) worked years making the Swiss route of the Rhatisch Bahn
the famous narrowgauge route in the province Graubunden south-east Switserland.
Unfortunately he has never finished or released this Transdem based megawork.
Together with his friend Nicolaas1, owner of Belgian site CMKKS, I took it upon me
to make the route ready for TRS19 en TRS22, so all the work will not get lost.
The base session has many trains by the recent deceased Graham(Euromodeller) he reskinned many Shane-Moritz trains.
Also items by Patricia_B (RIP 2016) are being used.
We honor thereby 3 top Trainz content creators.
It is a medium large route (150mb, 1538 baseboards), did not add/use any "heavy" items
All content that is not on the DLS or built-in, can be found in the additional content pack
so its not an endless kuid hunt.
Sadly you do need Sebino lake and kickstarter(Tane) and Milwaukee Road Avery-Drexel DLC installed, because of the n3v packing.
I build/edit in TRS19 build 100240(the original) so it should work in all versions of TRS19, TRS22 and Plus.
-4k trackmarks, signals, junctions, buffers renamed/organised
-Dighole/tunnel repairs
-Smooth spline and collapsing bridges fixed
-Catenary repair and expansion
-Filisur-Davos area made on transdem base with a few custom buildings
-Automated Base session made with many trains
-Special version of -=Set-Driver-Condition-Rule=- beta23
with hight above sealevel on the HUD screen (fun for a mountain route)
and better counting of passengers even for trains without opening doors
Main routes RHB:
-Tirano(IT), Campocologno, Campasio, spiral, Brusio, Miralago, Le Prese, Li Curt, Poschiavo, Cadera, Cavaglia, Alp Grum, Bernina, Bernina Lagalp, Daviolezza, Suot, Morteratch, Suravas, Pontresina, Punt Muragl, Samedan
-Sankt Moritz, Celerina, Samedan
-Samedan, Bever, Spinas, Albula tunnel, Preda, spirals, Muot, Bergun, Stugl, Filisur, Alvaneu, Surava, Tiefencastel, Solis, Sils, Thusis, Cazis, Realta, Rothenbrunnen, Rhazuns, Bonaduz, Reichenau, Ems Werke, Donat-Ems, Felsberg, Chur, Haldenstein, Trimmis, Untervaz, Zizers, Igis, Landquart.
-Bever, La Punt, Madulain, Zuoz, S-chanf, Cinuos-chel-Brail, Zernez
-Filisur - Davos Laret
-Sankt Moritz, Champfer, Silvaplana, Maria Sils, Maloja (fictional)
Big thanks to our Creators that went too soon: Marc(Witte46), Graham(Euromodeler), Patricia_B and andi06
thanks to wonderful people making Swiss/Rhb content like: Shane-Moritz/Brickcourt and Yojimbo.
thanks other content creators: adede, auran, bobitaly, cab, cyberstorm, dietus, dinorius_redundicus,
dmdrake, duarn, ebpy, egos48, eldwane, emges, engfer, ericzadro, ettore48, genesteal, gerd, gerig, guyader1,
haegarle, jango, jankvis, jennifer99, jjslll54, klapec, lotharhake, mate, mischa59, michael-h, mick1960, mike10
moonraker, morenos, my30, natvander, nebaru, neoklai75, pascalvds, poldi, puntane, ramsay72,
raymondparrot, robertoconti19, rox, solagon, tafweb, ulf_freudenreich, vulcan, weevil
and all others that contributed to this project.
All other needed assets are in the dependencie packs, that are going online tomorrow.
Trains used in the session are on the DLS most by Shane-Moritz/Euromodeller
except the RHBloc GE 4/4 by Olaf99 available on his site
My Region Netherland is used because of the nicer cars and included in the dep. pack
Any alteration for yourself feel free, drastic edits to publish, To conatct us use the contact forum on the main page.
Do Not put anything on the DLS, if good enough it will be hosted on CMMKK.
No the route is not finished and probably never will be.
Have a lot of Swiss Rhatische Trainz fun
Nicolaas and GM

After you install the dependencie packs always do a rebuild from the database, start it with ctr pushed.
It will rebuild the whole database.
This pack has everything you need, as long as you have the three packages installed, there is small extra pack for trs 19 even with the three packs you still have some extra downloads to do in ts19.

This is the version from witte46 that is still unfinished, if someone want's to finish it, please give credit to witte46. And let us host it on this site. So we also have a finished version for Tane. You can send a message to us, to let us know that you have a finished version for tane. So we can give you an ftp to send the file to.
You can contact us at